Our faculty has published around 100 books and over 600 articles in the most prestigious national and international magazines. Web of Science registers more than 300 articles written by our faculty from 1989 to 2007.
Análisis de la Coyuntura Económica
The Center for Economic Analysis and Research ( Centro de Análisis e Investigación Económica ) (CAIE) offers information, analysis, and opinion on the economic situation of Mexico based on the latest research methods. In order to provide this information in a timely fashion, the CAIE offers a group of products that includes: a monthly publication, weekly faxes, quarterly presentations, information online, and consultation over the telephone.
Contact: Verónica Gómez Sauza
Telephone: (55)5628 4197
Monthly Publication
Electronic Bulletin El ITAM Informa
The Department of Institutional Development and Planning has developed the bimonthly online resource El ITAM Informa so that our community can access a series of articles published in some of ITAM's magazines.
Telephone: (55)5628 4000 ext. 1600
Bimonthly Publication
Dirección Estratégica
Dirección Estratégica seeks to encourage strategic thinking in today's executives by providing practical tools ideal for dealing with the challenges at work.
Contact: Lilia Sánchez Romo
Telephone: (55)5490 4646
Quarterly Publication
This journal is published by the Academic Department of General Studies. It brings together a variety of essays written by academics from ITAM, México, and around the world on issues concerning philosophy, history, and literature. Subscriptions are available, and the magazine can be purchased at the university bookshop.
Contact: Graciela Roldán
Telephone: (55)5628 4000 ext. 3903
Quarterly Publication
Foreign Affairs en Español
Foreign Affairs en Español is a joint project between the New York Council on Foreign Relations and ITAM. It seeks to encourage debate and discussion on Iberoamerican international policy issues.
Contact: Francisco Maya
Telephone: (55)5628 4000 ext. 3945
Quarterly Publication (January-March, April-June, July-September, October-December)
Isonomía is a journal on the theory and philosophy of law, which publishes works on legal research written by academics from around the world.
Contact: Rosa María Vargas
Telephone: (55)5628 4000 ext. 3759
Semestral Publication (April and October)
Revista Mexicana de Derecho Público
Revista Mexicana de Derecho Público aims to analyze and evaluate the changes and recent findings in Mexican public law. Since it may be difficult to delimit this field of study, we have to approach it from three different areas which are not only decisive to changing the concept of public law but also broad enough to cover most of its scope. These are: administrative law, constitutional law, and international law.
Segmento is a quarterly marketing journal that is committed to promoting and spreading the most significant trends and findings in this field.
Contact: Lilia Sánchez Romo
Telephone: (55)5490 4646
Quarterly Publication
Student Journals
Caeteris Paribus
Caeteris Paribus provides economic analyses on local and international issues and articles of interest for ITAM's community, especially for economists. Caeteris Paribus is a free bimonthly publication.
Contact: Gustavo Adolfo Robles Peiro
Telephone: (55)56 16 32 94
Bimonthly Publication
Gaceta de Ciencia Política
La Gaceta de Ciencia Política deals with issues related to political science.
Contact: Sarah Banderas Martínez
Telephone: 044 55 9110 4182
Gaceta de Economía
The Gaceta de Economía, which was founded in 1995, publishes articles related to economics written by members of ITAM's community. This publication encourages research among professors and students, thereby strengthening students' academic performance. It also acts as a forum for debate on economic policy in Mexico.
Contact: Pablo Hill de Titto
Telephone: (55)5628 4000 ext. 2907
Laberintos e infinitos
This journal is published by the Applied Mathematics students.
Contact: J. Ezequiel Soto S.
Telephone: 044 55 2134 0565
Opción is an autonomous and analytical journal, representative of a university community committed to the role it plays within the country and in Latin America. It follows a humanistic line of thought which highlights the artistic development of both men and women.
Contact: Claudia Masferrer León
Telephone: (55)5628 40 00 ext. 1535
Syntagma is published by students from the Political Science Department. It seeks to inform the university community about relevant issues concerning the world of politics.
Contact: Abraham Rubluo Parra
Telephone: 044 55 1907 81 00
Urbi et orbi
This publication is focused on the field of International Relations, and it approaches various topics from distinct social disciplines.
Vórtice is published by students from the Masters in Public Policy.