ITAM is highly committed to teaching and scientific research. Research produced at ITAM not only contributes to academic development, but also to the implementation of public, business and industrial policies in Mexico. Moreover, research independently conducted by both professors and in our sixteen research centers have been published in national and international journals.

Listed below you will find a description of ITAM's list of centers and their various research topics.

Centro de Análisis e Investigación Económica CAIE
(Center for Economic Analysis and Research)
Director: Dr. Ignacio Trigueros Legarreta
Extension: 4190

The CAIE seeks to contribute to Mexico's development through in-depth analysis and commentary on the country's economic situation based on scientifically objective research.

Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico CDT
(Center for Technological Development)
Directores: Dr. Omar Romero Hernández, Dr. Miguel de Lascurain Morhan
Extension: 3682

The CDT aims to generate knowledge about high-end technology. Research carried out at this center not only improves academic knowledge but also helps solve problems thereby contributing to the development of society and institutions.

Centro de Economía Aplicada y de Políticas Públicas CEAPP
(Center for Applied Economics and Public Policy CEAPP)
Director: Mtro. Ricardo Samaniego
Extension: 4193

The CEAPP promotes academic research on issues related to the Mexican economy as well as analyzing and assessing specific public policy programs.

Centro de Estadística Aplicada CEA
(Center for Applied Statistics)
Director: Dr. Manuel Mendoza Ramírez
Extension: 3802 y 4681

Through its application of statistical methods and techniques, this Center deals with challenges facing Mexican society. It focuses on projects with a social, economic or financial content and an innovative methodological component.

Centro de Estudios de Competitividad CEC
(Center for Studies of Competitiveness)
Director: Dr. Guillermo Abdel Musik
Extension: 4612

The Center is responsible for establishing a link between ITAM and the manufacturing sector. Its objectives are to carry out projects that have a positive social impact, use the latest expertise to propose solutions, determine their strategic direction, improve their competitiveness and transform results.

Centro de Estudios de Derecho Privado
(Center for Private Law Studies)
Director: Lic. Carlos Bernal Verea
Extension: 3748 y 4675

Through this Center, the Law Department is able to work on the country's current legal problems. The center serves as an independent authority serving Mexican society through the creation of legal projects on relevant social issues in the absence of public and private authorities in this specific area.

Centro de Estudios de Derecho Público
(Center for Public Law Studies)
Director: Dr. José Roldán Xopa
Extension: 3782

Among its principal activities, the Center offers analysis and diagnosis of law and justice issues, as well as providing information about legal resolutions and perspectives.

Centro de Estudios y Programas Interamericanos CEPI
(Center for Inter-American Studies and Programs)
Director: Julia Goesling
Extension: 3926

The CEPI's mission is to foster discussion and specialized research on Inter-American issues in order to improve understanding and encourage interest in this geographic zone, especially in the Caribbean Basin- Colombia, Venezuela, the Caribbean countries and Central America, and North America.

Centro de Evaluación Socioeconómica de Proyectos CESP
(Center for Socio-Economic Assessment of Projects CESP)
Director: Lic. Efraín Gala Palacios
Extensión telefónica: 6910

The CESP seeks to administer and teach academic courses on social project evaluations and offers consulting on social project evaluations to public and private organizations.

Centro Internacional para la Investigación en Pensiones
(International Center for Pension Research)
Director: Dr. Tapen Sinha
Extensión telefónica: 4088

This center produces interdisciplinary studies on issues that affect pension and social security systems worldwide, with special emphasis on Latin America and Mexico.

Centro de Investigación Económica CIE  (In English)
(Center for Economic Research CIE)
Director: Dr. Alejandro Hernández Delgado
Extension: 4198

The CIE fosters economic scientific research and establishes a link between ITAM and the international scientific community.

Centro de Justicia Alternativa
(Center for Alternative Justice)
Director: Mtro. Luis Wistano Orozco García
Extension: 3779 y 4677

This center seeks to develop mechanisms for alternative dispute resolution and to strengthen private arbitration and mediation institutions, and in so doing, work toward the creation of qualified arbitrators and mediators.

Centros de Negocios
( Business Centers)

  • Centro de Desarrollo de la Empresa Familiar CEDEF
    (Family Business Center)
    Director: Dr. Imanol Belausteguigoitia
    Extension: 6522

    This center aims at generating and promoting knowledge about family businesses.

  • Centro de Desarrollo Profesionall CEDEPAL
    (Center for Professional Development)
    Director: Mtra. Maricruz Torres
    Extension: 4645 y 6512

    This center establishes a link between graduate students from the Masters in Business Administration, International Management, and the Executive MBA with the most prestigious companies in Mexico . It also gives courses, workshops, and seminars so that our undergraduate and graduate students improve and enrich their professional development. The center also offers the best job positions in the job market.

  • Centro de Finanzas CEFIN
    (Finance Center)
    Director: Mtro. Pólux Díaz
    Extension: 6611 y 2355

    This center aims at working with the financial sector in Mexico through the application and adaptation of the most recent theories in order to improve the practice of financial activities. Through this center, we also organize forums and seminars and give financial consulting services to both companies and the financial sector in Mexico.

  • Centro de Inteligencia de Negocios
    (Center for Business Intelligence)
    Director: Mtra. Gabriela Alvarado
    Extension: 4057 y 6511

    The Center for Business Intelligence provides consulting services in the Marketing and Strategy fields as well as supporting seminars, forums, and congresses in those areas. Moreover, it also edits Dirección Estratégica , a business journal aimed at encouraging strategic thinking in today's executives, and Segmento , committed to promoting and spreading the most significant trends and findings in Marketing.

  • Centro de Sistemas de Información Contable y Empresarial SICE
    (Center for Business and Accounting Information Systems)
    Director: Dra. Esperanza Huerta
    Extension: 3401

    This center generates and promotes academic research whose goal is to foster applied research and theoretical advances which will help companies solve their problems regarding accounting and managerial systems.

Consult several* research centers working documents on line.

* All working documents can not be published due to copyright and confidentiality laws.